import bodyParser from "body-parser";Node.js/express.js 2021. 4. 27. 16:38728x90
express.js 버전 4.16.1
npm install body-parser 이후 const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })); app.use(bodyParser.json()); bodypaser에 줄이 그어져있으면서 'bodyParser' is deprecated.ts(6385)
왜 body-parser가 안되누...
Express — body-parser and why may not need it
Express 4.16+ gets rid of your additional body-parser dependency
4.16.1이상부터는 걍 bardyparser 읎써도 된다고 하네...?
You might not need to install the additional body-parser package to your application if you are using Express 4.16+. There are many tutorials that include the installation of body-parser because they are dated prior to the release of Express 4.16.
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